• Santa's Helpers Christmas Assistance Application

    This application is only partial information that our team needs to know to start the process of helping a family. This information is only considered a request and after you submit the form, one of our team will contact you and get the further information that we need to finish the processing processing. Please note that all the information you provide below will be verified.
  • A current valid phone number is required here. We will not be able to process your application if this number is not valid.
  • List the address of the person that you are requesting assistance for. If it is your family, just put your address in this field.
  • Please Read Before Submitting Request

    Please remember that this is only the partial information that is required to start the assistance process and is in no way guarantee of assistance. Someone from our team will contact you and continue the application process. Please also keep in mind that if we are unable to contact you within a reasonable time, your application may be rejected/refused. Any fraudulent attempt to get assistance will result in rejection of your application and rejection of any further assistance.
  • This is an anti-spam challenge question. This reduces the about of fake/spam entries that we receive. Less spam equals faster response times to your real requests.